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Becoming a Client

Handshake in the Office

Before you register to be a client with us, please take time to view some of the guidelines we have stated below. 

Registering with Cambrian


Cambrian doesn’t take on clients with a budget exceeding $120,000


 We require the participant/family member in question to inform their service coordinator/representative at the Regional Center that they’ve selected Cambrian to act as their FMS and to name our agency on their Purchase of Services (POS). Since there is no formal contractual agreement with Cambrian and families, the POS will serve as our agreement.


Cambrian must receive the POS, approved Spending Plan and required paperwork from all service providers by the 15th of the month prior to transitioning to Self-Determination. If not received, services will not start until the 1st of the following month.


 There is no contract between the participant and Cambrian, and Cambrian reserves the right to terminate our relationship with the Participant during the SDP year.


It is the duty of the participant/family member to ensure that Cambrian receives the POS from the Regional Center. Services performed before Cambrian receives the POS will not be covered. Cambrian must also receive a signed copy of the participant’s spending plan, approved by the Regional Center.

What should you do in anticipation of your spending plan being approved?


While waiting for the spending plan and POS to be approved and received by Cambrian, we recommend that the participant/family member have the service providers complete the paperwork. This will avoid delays.


Please send all required documents in a single email. Wait until you have all the necessary documents before sending them to Cambrian.


You will have received the necessary paperwork in the same email as you received this guidebook. It is your responsibility to get the paperwork to the service providers, and return them to Cambrian afterwards. Cambrian will not be responsible for communicating with the service providers regarding paperwork.


If you are choosing the Bill Payer model, you’ll only be able to work with Vendors. If you are choosing the Co-Employer model, you can work with both VSPs and ESPs.

Intake Process

Please click the button below to complete the intake. All sections are required.  Completing this form does not guarantee you will be taken onboard nor guarantee a position on the waiting list.

Visual Guide on Intake Process

Fill in Intake Form

CFMS Agrees/Refuses Meeting

Onboarding Meeting

CFMS Accepts/Refuses participant

POS is provided by

regional center

Client fills out

paperwork and

returns it to staff

Onboarding email is

sent to client

Client is put on waiting list

Participant is client

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