Spending Plan
The IPP Team will undertake a person-centered planning process to create the IPP, which identifies the type and amount of needed services and supports to achieve the intended goals of the participant.
The individual budget amount is determined.
The participant must develop a spending plan on how to use the available funds to meet their goals and objectives as delineated in their IPP.
The spending plan must identify the cost of each service and support that will be purchased with regional center funds. This needs to include specific lines for the purchase of items (if applicable).
Having an FMS agency is a required service for all SDP participants. However, as this cost is covered by the Regional Center, please input a $0.00 as the total for the FMS service line on the spending plan.
Participants may require support from others, such as an independent facilitator, to assist in the formation of their spending plan.
Spending Plan Changes
Each service in the spending plan falls into one of three larger budget categories (see Resources – SDP Codes for the list of services and budget categories). A participant may annually transfer up to 10% of the funds originally in any budget category to another budget category or categories without approval from the regional center or IPP team. Transfers exceeding 10% of the budget category require approval/agreement from the regional center or IPP team.
What do I need to do
Use a ‘moving funds document’ (see resources) to document your existing totals (as reflected on your current spending plan), and the new totals for each service code as you want them to be after the funds have been moved. Send this document to us. We, as your FMS will then send that document to your Regional Center service coordinator, for a new authorization document to be issued.
Spending Plan Template
We require that all clients use the template listed below even if you have used the Regional Centers Template.
Some Things to Remember...
The total spending plan amount cannot exceed the individual budget amount.
SDP funds can only be used for services that:
Have been approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; and,
Are not available through other funding sources (e.g., Medi-Cal, In-Home Supportive Services, schools, etc.).
This only applies to Employees that you may wish bring on-board under the Co-Employer model: In addition to wages, costs for employee benefits and payroll taxes must be included when determining the cost of each service. This is often referred to as the ‘Employer’s Burden’.